Measure the Roof Line:
Take the measurement from the bottom of the wall skirting to the deep part of the roof. You can use a protractor and measuring tape for these measurements. To minimize any error, take these estimations without using skirting tiles. You have to be very keen to avoid any kind of gap between the wall & skirting.
Measure the Height of the Skirting Tiles:
After completing the roof area, estimations measure the height of the skirting tiles. That’ll help you to decide the exact quantity of tiles you need.
Find the Floor Tiles:
After all, estimations are done, you need to decide which kind of tiles you want to use. Floor tiles are available in a variety of colors, designs, and textures. You can choose the most blending tiles that are easy to install.
These tiles are directly installed on concrete. So, choose the premium quality of floor tiles for you.
Install the Skirting Tiles Dubai:
Now when you have everything you need to install skirting tiles, then start your installation process. Spread the grout over the entire tile area and make it smooth. Make sure to leave a minimum area for tiles to stick properly.
Lay the Skirting Tiles:
After the grout has settled down, lay the first tile over it. Keep fixing the skirting tiles in Dubai along the wall.
Peel the Tile:
Remove the extra grout from the tile edges. Use a brush to clean tiles properly and make them free from any grout.
Use a Sponge Bead:
After removing all the grout, use a sponge bead to make your tile smooth. By using a sponge, tiles can be easily cleaned.
Finish the Tile:
Remove a bead after finishing the tile and this will give your skirting tiles a striking & uniform look.
To install skirting tiles, you must follow these simple steps. But if you are not skilled enough to do it yourself, then you can also avail professional fixing and installation services from Rubber Flooring Dubai. ae. With the proper and professional skirting installation, you can have great-looking flooring with these complementing tiles.